Las Vegas Sun

April 26, 2024

2008 Voting Guide

The last day to register to vote in the general election by mail is Oct. 4, if you still have not registered by then you can register until Oct. 14 in person at the Clark County Election Department. If you are not sure if you are registered, you can check your status at the Clark County Web site. You should register if you’ve changed your address, political party or name since your last registration.

In order to register, there are a few requirements you must meet:

  • U.S. citizenship
  • At least 18 years of age
  • At least 30 days residence in Clark County and reside at least 10 days in your precinct
  • Claim no other place as legal residence
  • Free of felony convictions or other civil rights losses that make it unlawful to vote

Where to register:

Mail-in Registration can be sent to the following locations:

Early Voting
Early voting begins Oct. 18 – 31 at 88 different voting sites. Check out this guide for a schedule of times to vote. Tip: to avoid long lines, vote the first week of early voting!

Voting Precincts and Polling places
In order to find out where to vote, check out the Election Department’s Web site, which has a simple online form to look up polling places and precincts.

Using Voting Machines
The electronic voting machines can be intimidating, but the process is rather simple. Once you arrive and sign in, the clerk will give you a voting receipt with you precinct number and direct you to an election official, where you will receive your voting machine activation card.

The electronic voting machines work much like an ATM machine and walks you through each step of the voting process; choices appear onscreen and you make your selection by touching the screen. After all choices have been made, you must confirm your choices are correct and make sure there are no mistakes before casting your ballot. For more information and an instructional video, check out the Clark County Election Department's voting machine guide.

Election Results
Election results can be found in several places after the polls close at 7 p.m. on election night. Results can be found online at the Clark County Election Department homepage and on cable Channel 4.