Las Vegas Sun

May 8, 2024

Editorial: Traffic safety hazards for children

One of the biggest dangers facing Clark County children may be walking to school. According to a recent Las Vegas Sun report, at least 17 traffic-related incidents have been reported on or near school campuses since classes started in August.

These include the October crash in which a hit-and-run driver struck and killed 11-year-old Amanda Aragon as she used a crosswalk a few yards from Sawyer Middle School.

The Sun's Emily Richmond spoke with parents from at least three schools who have taken matters into their own hands. They stand along sidewalks to remind motorists to slow down and record bad driver behavior on video and have even redesigned the traffic patterns at one school.

These parents met last week with officials from the Clark County School District, public safety agencies and local governments to discuss ongoing problems that include poorly located crosswalks and bus stops, inconsistent school zone markings, a crossing-guard shortage and the biggest problem -- speeding motorists, many of whom are parents taking children to or from school.

The new federal transportation bill includes funding for a Safe Routes to Schools program, which formalizes the kind of cooperative traffic safety effort already being exhibited informally at some Clark County schools. Nevada is to receive at least $1.1 million annually.

Still, all motorists could help solve the problem right now by simply slowing down in school zones and watching out for our children as they walk and ride their bikes to and from school.
