Las Vegas Sun

May 8, 2024

Letter: ‘Trickle down’ doesn’t work

I am appalled at the constant media attention given to the accusations of the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth." Not only is it irrelevant to any issues of concern today, it is a well-designed distraction from the real issues -- the facts that demonstrate that George W. Bush has been an inadequate leader for this country. Even John E. O'Neill, one of the organizers of the attack on Kerry, has been quoted as saying that President Bush is an "empty suit,' unfit to lead the nation.

The president's policies have resulted in fewer jobs, more bankruptcies, lower hourly wages, more people living in poverty, fewer having medical coverage or the ability to buy needed medications, Even the middle class is being diminished.

On the other hand, big business, which should be providing the jobs in this changing economy, is continuing to downsize, sending jobs overseas, cutting benefits and overtime pay to workers -- all while increasing their profitability.

That's the "recovery" Mr. Bush speaks of! It doesn't "trickle down" in my book; it gushes up. Everyone gives lip service to the hard-working Americans who built this country and brought wealth to the corporations they serve. Isn't it time we demanded repayment in kind from our leaders? Don't we need a new administration to do this?

