Las Vegas Sun

May 10, 2024

Letter: Valley urgently needs traffic photo cameras

Don't blame the roads, blame the drivers. The Sun's Sept. 1 article, "Danger zone," really struck a nerve. If any city ever cried out for traffic photo enforcement, this is the city.

Running red lights seems to be a sport here and woe to the person who stops for a light with one of these out-of-control drivers behind them. It's silly to blame the design of the road when you have drivers who run red lights, speed and drive recklessly as a lot of them do, not just on the beltway but everywhere.

Driving in Las Vegas is like Grand Prix racing! Cameras are the only way to go. The police can't be everywhere but cameras can. Most drivers know with the police shortage they have a slim-to-none chance of being pulled over.

I see a ton of lost revenue for the city every time I am on the roads here. Traffic photo cameras are what this city badly needs.

I have never seen so many out-of-control drivers in my life! How many more lives will it take before someone seriously looks at a way to stop all the dangerous drivers we have on the roads here?

