Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Letter: Arafat admission comes too late

After two years of killing and destruction, after hundreds of innocent lives have been taken, and after thousands of people have been injured, the head of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat, has finally decided to criticize the suicide bombings that he authorized and placed in motion. Is this ridiculous or not?

Arafat, according to the Associated Press, also said the world expects from the Palestinians a "clear stance and firm answers regarding peace with Israel ..." Has the world gone crazy? Since when do we wait for mass murderers to decide that murder won't get them what they want? There is no reason to deal with Arafat and his terrorist organization.

Certainly America doesn't need Arafat to criticize his own murderers. We know who the bad guys are in the Middle East. Americans know that the Saudis can't be trusted, that the Iraqis and Iranians hate us, and that Moslems in general would dance, once again, in the streets if America was terrorized again.

The Middle East needs to rid itself of the warmongers and terrorists such as Arafat, Saddam Hussein, the Iranian mullahs, and the rest of the bigots who live there.

