Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Letter: Homeowners groups could use compassion, humanity

Association members are constantly being accused of not reading their governing documents and abiding by them. What should be included in these documents and directed at boards is the above adage, as well as two words, "compassion" and "humanity."

Harry Hopkins' recent experience, as written up extensively by the SUN in articles, an editorial and several letters to the editor, only proves the lack of adult-to-adult caring approaches.

Don't always blame the association owners. The necessity of Sen. Mike Schneider's bill (Senate Bill 314) and the obviously much-needed formation of our group in October 1996, have proven that it is the boards and management companies who are the tyrants in this situation. Countless daily calls to my home, the Real Estate Division, Schneider, etc., prove that board members deliberately "skirt" the laws in the governing documents and currently SB314.

We need all our elected and wannabe-elected officials to show concerns for the people whose votes they want. Schneider's attendance at many association board meetings has helped to solve numerous problems. This shows that the appearance of would-be caring political pundits would add credence to the needs.

Rep. John Ensign has also been receiving calls from abused owners. As a result, he is showing interest in possibly sharing the problems with his colleagues in Washington, D.C. We need all the help and exposure we can get. It should not take someone's unfortunate illness to get people to pitch in.

Judi Root, The Original Justice for Home and Condo Owners
