Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Letter: Homeowners group should feel shame

I, too, have cancer and am burdened with the high cost of chemo and medication, as is Hopkins. I, however, am fortunate. I am younger and my cancer is in remission. I will soon return to work. But I can tell you that I nearly lost my home due to my illness.

The compassion, care, concern and monetary help came to me from everywhere.

I, too, missed payments. Because when one is fighting for one's life, all else seems trivial. Thank God and friends that all has worked out.

To you, Mr. Hopkins, I say: All will work out for you also. Have faith, do the best you can do, and keep fighting.

To you, Desert Fairways West Homeowners Association, I say: Shame on you. It must be terrible to be so lacking in the human spirit. Shame.

Rocky De Laurentis
