Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Where I Stand: Ruthe Deskin — Salt-of-the-earth family struck by lack of compassion

Salt of the earth people -- they're the backbone of our society.

My parents were salt of the earth.

These are individuals who do not seek high fame and huge fortune. Success is a loving family, compassion for those less fortunate, and respect for integrity and high moral standards.

Mark Belding and his family are akin to my parents.

And, bad things shouldn't happen to folks like these.

Mark's problems might seem insignificant to others, but to him and his family they are of major concern.

More than eight years ago the Beldings moved into their present living quarters -- an apartment where pets were allowed.

The family has two well-behaved dogs that "have never caused a bit of trouble."

The Beldings have the great American dream -- to own their own home -- and have worked toward that goal. August of this year has been set as the time they planned to move. That was before the apartment house where they live was sold to an out-of-state owner.

The management company that is now running the facility has ordered Mark, his dogs, and his family to move in 30 days, as a new policy of "no pets allowed" has been established.

In an effort to forestall the move order until their son is out of school and their August plans could be implemented, Mark attempted to reach the new owners through the management company.

Although he fully understands that his problem is of little concern to others, he felt that some kind of compromise could be reached. His request for a hearing was abruptly dismissed and the order to leave was not rescinded.

Mark Belding was born and raised in Las Vegas. His parents were true oldtimers who lived in the gracious and friendly atmosphere that once was Las Vegas. He can't understand this total lack of understanding.

Legally there is nothing he can do.

We sympathize as we welcome him to the real world.

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Much has been said about the settlement of the Jerry Tarkanian suit against the NCAA.

As a Tarkanian supporter through all these years of harassment suffered by the coach and his family, I was elated for them.

My only negative reaction to the news was, "what took them so long."

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The folks at Sartini Plaza housing development are still waiting for some kind of assurance from the housing authority that their grievances will be addressed properly.

Residents claim they are governed by a board that is not in compliance with HUD's minimum requirements as to number; they question some financial transactions; meetings are not conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure; and they can't get any help from the housing authority.

If officials think this matter will just dry up and go away, they are sadly mistaken.

These are "salt of the earth" people bucking the odds.

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It will cost you $10 bucks, but it's worth every penny.

I took a Sunday afternoon and visited Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden at the Mirage.

Dolphins, lions, tigers, elephants, panthers and snow leopards entertain awe struck visitors. They live in a beautiful natural setting of such a tranquil nature that one visitor decided "this would be a wonderful place to come, sit on a bench and read a good book."

One dolphin was especially entertaining as he expertly lifted his body onto the pool deck so we could get a good look. The lions were in a frolicsome mood but the other big cats took the time to snooze in the sun.

Unexpectedly, one of the stars of the entire show was a huge wild Tom turkey strutting about in the elephant's quarters.

This is about as good as it can get for animal lovers.

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An old saying comes to mind when I consider the recent ruling in the Paula Jones case.

President Bill Clinton is a guy who could fall into a cess pool and come out smelling like a rose.

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The rumor that certain library employees are being threatened with their jobs for having the audacity to question actions of the library board is disheartening.

Executives at the SUN were assured that this wouldn't happen.

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Parents raising teenagers should remember what Abraham Lincoln advised:

"There is just one way to bring up a child in the way he should go, and that is to travel that way yourself."
