Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Letter: Defeating measure to improve streets hurts property values

It is the narrow-minded, nearsightedness of these individuals that has condemned all of us in the area to sawtooth-patterned roads complete with a generous amount of chuck holes. The vast majority of homes have antiquated septic systems. In addition, there are not sidewalks, curbs or street lights.

While these people may think they are saving money, they are in fact really condemning their own properties to a future decline in market value. Why would anyone be interested in buying an older home in Section 11 for $250,000 or more when they can move into a new home in one of the many fast-growing planned communities in the valley that has all of these amenities included? Most houses in this area are at least 25 years old, using septic tanks, with no sidewalks, street lights and roads that are in pitiful condition.

I wish those that voted to defeat this measure, and those who failed to vote, the very best luck. I hope you enjoy your septic tank and leach field when it no longer functions, the broken or sprained ankle you will get as you walk on gravel sidewalks, and the cost of frequent wheel alignments on your car as you run the gauntlet of potholes. You may have felt you could not afford to financially support this measure, but in future years you will come to realize that your could little afford not to support it.

Virgil A. Sestini
