Las Vegas Sun

May 19, 2024

This is a press release submitted to the Las Vegas Sun. It has not been verified or edited by the Sun.

Press Release

Cold War Warrior's Left In Lurch

Published on Tue, May 29, 2012 (11:01 a.m.)

US Department of Energy’s
‘Cold War Warrior’s’ Left In Lurch

Hundreds of retired and former Security Inspectors, known as Cold War Warriors (CWW), contributed to this country’s national defense when they worked for the US Atomic Energy Commission and/or the US Energy Research Administration and/or the Nevada Proving Grounds and/or the US Department of Energy at the Nuclear Testing Facility known as the Nevada Test Site (currently called the Nevada National Security Site).
The Nevada Test Site (NTS) is located approximately 66 miles northwest of Las Vegas, NV. It is contained within 1360 square miles of desert and mountainous terrain bordered on the west by the USAF’s Tonopah Test Range and the east by the USAF Gunnery Ranges controlled by Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. The NTS was the primary testing location for American nuclear devices. From 1951 until approximately 1992, hundreds of tests were conducted there. These tests were conducted atmospherically (above-ground), or subterranean (below ground – below flats or mesas, or within tunnels dug into mountains).
Many of the retired former Security Inspectors have not had an increase in their pensions since 1990. In 2008 a law suit was filed on their behalf in Federal District court seeking justice (Case Number: 2:08-cv-00849-RLH-LRL). To date, these Cold War Warriors have not been granted a hearing or court date. A Press Release was issued regarding this important matter but no news agency would publicize the plight of these forgotten men and women. Of the 59 original plaintiffs, 10 have died. It is a common practice of defendants/the government to delay Cold War Warrior litigation and/or claims knowing that the death rate for Cold War Warriors is much higher than that of the general US population. It seems that Cold War Warriors must die before their claims are finally considered and adjudicated. Defendants/the government know that the longer they can wait, the fewer plaintiffs will be left to contend with. Also, eventual awards to CWW survivors or to their estates always seem to be less than what would have been made to the actual CWW.
Cold War Warriors also suffer cancers at an alarming rate. The US Government picks and chooses which cancers it will provide compensation for. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, (D) Nevada, has verbally promised on numerous occasions to have prostate cancer, a type frequently suffered by CWWs, added to the ‘approved’ list, but has yet to act.
In 2008, two bills which would rectify many of the CWWs medical injustices were introduced during the 111th session of Congress. Senate Bill S.757, the Charlie Wolff Nuclear Worker’s Compensation Act, was introduced on March 31, 2008 by Senator Mark Udall, (D) Colorado. House Bill H.R. 1828, The Charlie Wolff Nuclear Worker’s Compensation Act, was introduced by Representative Jared Polis, (D) Colorado, on that same date. These legislations were co-sponsored by 9 other Senator/Representatives, but unfortunately, neither bill was enacted. Once again, it seems that Cold War Warriors have to die to get what is rightfully due them.
Most of the Cold War Warriors are in their 60s (many are much older) and are in ill health. Many are military veterans who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Bosnia, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan.
FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT MR. WILLIAM G. CLEGHORN, 6254 Great Smoky Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89156 (702) 452-2232.