
Mono No Aware

Mono No Aware

Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020 // THIS EVENT HAS PASSED

Age limit:
All ages

The College of Southern Nevada’s Fine Arts Theatre Program presents its first-ever “virtual performance” event, MONO NO AWARE, featuring original dramatic work and performances by CSN Theatre Program students. Pupils enrolled in online theatre classes were challenged to create a written dramatic piece based on the Japanese notion of “mono no aware," which refers to the bittersweet realization of all things transient in nature. It is the awareness that everything in existence is temporary.

Six dramatic pieces were selected from this assignment and given to student performers. The production is conceptualized and directed by Stig Zeiner. MONO NO AWARE premieres December 3 at 7:00 PM on the “Performing Arts at CSN” YouTube channel. Following the live premiere, the performance will be available for all viewers on YouTube.

Events in Las Vegas get canceled every now and then. It doesn’t hurt checking with the venue to confirm the listing.

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