Las Vegas Sun

June 2, 2024

Obama’s Las Vegas visit to include DNC fundraiser


AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

President Barack Obama meets with bipartisan House and Senate leaders to discuss the economy and jobs, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010, in the Cabinet Room of the White House,Washington. From left are, House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calf.; the president; and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Updated Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 | 7:01 p.m.

Sun Coverage

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's visit to Las Vegas this week will include a fundraiser that aims to raise $1 million for the Democratic National Committee, according to a source familiar with the event.

Obama is expected to touch down in Las Vegas on Thursday and head to a fundraiser that evening for the DNC. The president will stay overnight in Las Vegas.

On Friday, Obama has several economic events on tap with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, according to the White House. Obama will visit with business leaders and residents to discuss the ways he and Reid are working together to address the economic challenges facing Nevada.

Obama will attend a town hall at an as-yet unknown location and then will tour City Center with Sen. Harry Reid.

The DNC fundraiser will be at the home of Palms boss George Maloof, the Sun's Jon Ralston reported.

Someone familiar with the event said the fundraiser is expected to draw 45 attendees, who would give the maximum donation possible to a national committee, which is $30,400 a year.

The event is not a fundraiser specifically for Reid. Reid had separate fundraising events planned for today and Tuesday in California, according to the Sunlight Foundation, a good-government group that tracks fundraising.

Sun reporter Patrick J. Coolican contributed to this report.

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