Las Vegas Sun

June 2, 2024

Teachers sought for new program

The Clark County School District is on the hunt for qualified teachers for the new Fremont Professional Development Middle School.

The school, which opens in the fall, will offer middle school teachers the opportunity to experience teacher education programs, professional development initiatives, site-based research projects and grant writing.

Faculty and staff will also collaborate with UNLV to provide students with engineering and communication programs. Both students and teachers will also be working together on a new academic math program that incorporates hands-on technology.

Fremont teachers will be required to begin their 2008-2009 lesson plan a week early in order to develop lessons that emphasize team work and leadership. Teachers will also be assigned a laptop computer to keep in contact with UNLV professors on topics such as lesson plans, student activities and research.

More information on the school, as well as employment applications can be found at

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