Las Vegas Sun

April 20, 2024

Letter to the editor:

#MeToo inspires higher standards

Republicans may ask, “Why are you upset with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, since the accusations against him are not any worse than the ones once brought against Bill Clinton?”

My answer is: That was then and this is now. Times have drastically changed, with more attention gven to women’s rights, as women stand up to be heard.

Kavanaugh might have been 17 years old at the time, but nearly all 17-year-olds are held responsible as adults in court, unless they are mentally unable to understand right from wrong. The accusations against Kavanaugh are sexual assault and attempted rape. Just because his young victim was afraid to tell anyone at the time, does not mean a crime was not committed. Where will we draw the line with people in power getting away with crimes because their supporters want to overlook them? An investigation of these charges is warranted.