Las Vegas Sun

April 16, 2024

Letter: Solving problems requires honesty

Here are some headlines that are typical of today's news: "Medicare bill's price tag tops $400 billion," "(A major drug company) launches review of sales and marketing practices," "(A drug laboratory) to plead guilty." Articles under the headlines explain how drug companies engage in deceptive, dishonest and fraudulent business practices, and the relationship of these practices to legislation.

There are many organizations interested in protecting the public. They must use every possible means to publicize the dire circumstances that we face regarding Social Security, Medicare, prescription drug prices, insurance and a host of other categories that affect our lives. These are ongoing situations that are far from being resolved by a quick fix.

To reach satisfactory solutions, there must be a concerted effort by a majority of all citizens. Everyone must keep an open mind and hold honest, unbiased opinions without regard to party affiliation, age differential or financial conditions. What we don't need is dishonesty, fraud, biased judgment, dissension or more hands dipping into the till.

