Las Vegas Sun

April 18, 2024

Letter: Passing initiative will aid homeless

Thanks for the Sun's endorsement of ballot Question 11, which will urge the establishment of a Homeless Service and Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

For the cost of an annual burger and fries on a $100,000 home or business, it is estimated that $4 million will be raised for homeless services and low-income housing.

Question 11 has the endorsement of the Southern Nevada Homeless Coalition, which has advocated and supported homeless services for over a decade. Despite the efforts of many charitable individuals and organizations, basic services are still in short supply.

This winter, for example, will be a challenge for the homeless without a facility to replace the 250-bed MASH winter tent.

Ballot Question 11 will help create reliable funding for existing and new homeless services.


Editor's note: The writer is a Franciscan brother and advocate for the homeless.
